Thursday, November 10, 2005
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
San Francisco becomes "city # 3"

In a bold move by the city of San Francisco, voters went to the polls to vote on 2 key issues:
1. Ban handguns in the city; including concealed handguns, even handguns kept inside homes.
2. Ban military recruiters from public schools throughout the city; dubbed: "college not combat"
Both issues on the ballot passed without question, making San Francisco the 3rd city in the US to ban handguns within city limits, only the cities of Washington and Chicago have done this. The new ban requires that all city residents surrender thier guns by April of 2006. Of course the NRA has some choice words for the new law but then again who would be afraid to speak out with a military assortment of weapons such as this paranoid group of Republicans? The ban on military recruiters is also a great move, I remember when I was in highschool my senior year, I couldnt even walk to the vending machine without having to get around the ROTC table first, that alone was annoying as hell, but to hear these guys attempt to cram thier promises of paid college and 20 year retirement down my throat and the throats of others was far more bullshit than I had bargained for after already having been in school all day long. Dont get me wrong, I respect all the soldiers in the military for thier courage and dedication because nothing is gauranteed, but when you try to force your views on me to simply meet a week end quota for the government, thats not going to work. So if it isnt clear to you yet, I completly support the banning of recruiters in schools. I was far more focused on graduating than I was enlisting in a military thats being run by a president I didnt even vote for. Too bad JFK or Carter, even Clinton isnt our Commander in Chief, those are the guys id have enlisted under. Why can't I live in a blue state? ~ds~
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Amongst other things

So in between writing an album and keeping up with politics these days, it leaves me with no time for anything else. Yes i still disagree with the war in iraq, yes i still get a laugh over that waste of ti...harriet meier, and god i cant wait until the whole entire republican party thats sitting on top of thier oil drums, crashes and burns amongst themselves all as a result of lying to America. Despite political affiliation, and no matter who you voted for, do you think its too much to ask of our president to, lets say....tell the truth, hire people who will, or even get a clue as to whats going on and take reasonable action? I was gone for a month, and in that time, ive seen at least 3 republicans in trouble with the law, the republican party waste more time on harriet meier than trying to make up an excuse to justify it all, and presidential polls plummet to the floor. Waaaaaaaaaaaake me up in November 2008. ~ds~
Monday, October 10, 2005
To Begin Again
After a long past month of funerals, and displaced family from hurricane Katrina, im ready to finally update this site again and hope to bring some viewers by.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Bush; two days of vacation later
As the hurricane drifted closer to the Gulf Coast and the Weather Centers were pushing out the warnings, President Bush was preparing himself for a trip from Crawford Texas, to the west, to promote a new Medicare prescription drug benefit. The President arrives in Arizona while Katrina arrives on the coast. Without any second thoughts, Bush continues with his speech mentioning more broken promises of prayer and federal help. As Katrina ravages her way up the southeast and Bush scavages his way further west, Bush has a thought that hurt: Perhaps I should go back to the Whitehouse and get a recovery and rescue plan together. Its ashame it took him not only one but two more days to actually get there. Bush decides to spend his second and final night back in Crawford with his family; you know, kind of like he did in the months leading up to 9-11. Finally two days later, the criticism is pouring into the White House as lake Ponchetrain pours into New Orleans. Why did it take so long for our President to respond? After all, 51% of America trusted him enough at the polls last November to lead thier country, why wouldnt they trust him now? Well after living on your roof for days on end with nothing to eat or drink and no visible signs of hope in view that would begin to make one wonder as its already been said, "Where is the president I voted for?" Certainly Bush couldnt say he was in Crawford crunching on pretzels stirring up armadillos while Americans are losing thier lives; no, instead he decides to tell America "Help is on the way" when in fact, nobody was on thier way. If things couldnt get anymore difficult for the president with a raging war in Iraq and its death toll exceding 1,880, and now, yet another catastrophe but this time, here at home. Bush seems to be held accountable for the delay in rescue efforts down on the coast; he is the president and no matter how many speeches you give and no matter how many times you lie by saying "Help is on the way." nothing can take away from the fact that people died while Bush was busy scratching his forehead in confusion in the Oval Office. Its time to watch him stumble his way out of the White House. ~ds~
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Clinton recognizes federal failure

HOUSTON, Texas (CNN) -- Former President Bill Clinton on Monday said the government "failed" the thousands of people who lived in coastal communities devastated by Hurricane Katrina, and said a federal investigation was warranted in due time.
"Our government failed those people in the beginning, and I take it now there is no dispute about it," Clinton told CNN. "One hundred percent of the people recognize that -- that it was a failure." (See interview -- 2:32 )
He and former President George H. W. Bush have launched the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund to help raise money for those left homeless by the storm. (Full story)
Clinton is just the latest in a long line of critics who have blasted the federal government for not moving fast enough to help people in the immediate aftermath of Katrina, which slammed into the Gulf Coast one week ago as a Category 4 hurricane.
He said that the utmost priority was saving people now -- and evaluating the mistakes in the months to come.
"We've got the departments on the ground, we've got the military on the ground, we've got a chance to do it right now, and we should do it right," he said. "And then in an appropriate time we should analyze what went wrong and why and what changes should be made."
As with the 9/11 commission charged with looking at the events leading up to and after the September 11, 2001 attacks, Clinton suggested a bipartisan Katrina commission be formed. It would investigate what went wrong and determine "what is the best structure and what are the best personnel decisions" to make in emergency management, he said.
The elder Bush echoed Clinton's sentiment, telling CNN's Larry King that he is "not satisfied" with the handling of the hurricane's aftermath.
Nonetheless, he defended his son's performance.
"What can he do? He can just go out and do what he's doing today, showing that the federal government's involved, has been involved, will continue to be involved ... He cannot listen to every critic from the editorial page of The New York Times," the elder Bush said.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Nagin grills the feds; Bush

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (CNN) -- As his city skidded deeper into chaos, New Orleans' embattled mayor accused federal officials of dragging their feet while people are dying in deplorable conditions.
Mayor Ray Nagin's voice cracked with anger and anguish Thursday night in an interview with New Orleans radio station WWL.
"We're getting reports and calls that [are] breaking my heart from people saying, 'I've been in my attic. I can't take it anymore. The water is up to my neck. I don't think I can hold out.' And that's happening as we speak."
Nagin said the time has long past for federal authorities to act on their promises.
"You mean to tell me that a place where you probably have thousands of people that have died and thousands more that are dying every day, that we can't figure out a way to authorize the resources that we need? Come on man," he said.
"I need reinforcements," he pleaded. "I need troops, man. I need 500 buses, man. This is a national disaster.
"I've talked directly with the president," he said. "I've talked to the head of the homeland security. I've talked to everybody under the sun."
After scheduled visits to devastated areas in Alabama and Mississippi, President Bush was expected to fly over the hurricane-ravaged city on Friday.
As he left the White House, Bush said, "The results are not acceptable. I'm headed down there right now."
He said he was "looking forward" to thanking people involved in disaster-relief efforts and assuring victims that short-term and long-term help is on the way.
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said Thursday that he thinks the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other federal agencies have done a "magnificent job" under difficult circumstances, citing their "courage" and "ingenuity."
Insisting that aid is coming as fast as possible, Chertoff said, "You can't fly helicopters in a hurricane. You can't drive trucks in a hurricane."
FEMA Director Michael Brown told CNN on Friday, "My heart breaks. What we're doing, we're ramping up."
Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco said she hoped the amount of needed aid would begin arriving Friday.
"I'm not going to stand here and play the blame game," Blanco said. "We have a problem. Let's get to the problem."
The tempers of those waiting for food, water and relief from relentless heat continued to boil Friday as they waited for help to arrive, some in shocking conditions that were only getting worse. At least one large explosion rocked the city early Friday.
In the radio interview, Nagin's frustration was palpable.
"I've been out there man. I flew in these helicopters, been in the crowds talking to people crying, don't know where their relatives are. I've done it all man, and I'll tell you man, I keep hearing that it's coming. This is coming, that is coming. And my answer to that today is BS, where is the beef? Because there is no beef in this city. "
Nagin said, "Get every Greyhound bus in the country and get them moving."
Nagin called for a moratorium on press conferences "until the resources are in this city."
"They're feeding the people a line of bull, and they are spinning and people are dying," he said.
"I don't know whether it's the governor's problem, or it's the president's problem, but somebody needs to get ... on a plane and sit down, the two of them, and figure this out right now," Nagin said.
"They thinking small, man, and this is a major, major deal," he said.
"Get off your asses and let's do something."
The mayor said except for a few "knuckleheads," the looting is the result of desperate people just trying to find food and water to survive.
Nagin blamed the outbreak of crime and violence on drug addicts who are cut off from their drug supplies and wandering the city "looking to take the edge off their jones."
Nagin is in his first term as mayor. He was sworn in May 2002. A Democrat, he was a popular reform candidate who promised to clean up the city's political corruption. He's a former cable company executive.
Bush; a little late a little short
President Bush plans to meet with officials and workers down on the Gulf Coast today, refusing to make a stop in New Orleans, where at this point im sure isnt welcome anyways. Where was the President 5 days ago? A little town in Texas named Crawford. Why is it, that Tsunami victims back in December had food and water supplies in 2 days yet in New Orleans there is still people starving to death? Here it is Friday now and President Bush gave a speech saying for 3 days in a row now "Help is on the way." Yet another hopeless promise given by our president. Sri Lanka and other nations are offering thier support and troops which will more than likely be part of the rescue efforts before our own country is. There has been a high amount of criticism regarding the amount of troops sent to the battered coast, most of Louisianas National Guard which is trained specifically to handle natural distasters on the coast, are in Iraq right now. Mayor Ray Nagin has grilled the Federal Government and the Bush Administration for thier poor efforts given to his area. Nagin was also quoted asking the White House to "Get up off your asses!" Is it right that he has to blast the White House as he did simply to get help? What is it going to take? This really goes to show the true colors of a president whos done absolutly nothing to help in this situation. Victims still stranded are asking "Where is the President I voted for?" Do you think Bush really cares what happens down there? After all regardless of criticism and the turn out of this all, he has no chances of re-election in 2008, really, what is another fly-over in the Air Force-1 going to do? What is meeting with the still stranded and dying victims going to do? At this point the only reassurance is actual food and water. These people havent eaten, some of them in 5 days or more, how long can the human body survive when pushed to such agonizing limits? Its really heart breaking to see such a beautiful city and the beautiful citizens of New Orleans hold on for dear life as they are. If Bush's criticism was food, the whole city of New Orleans would be fed. ~ds~
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Katrina donations
If you would like to make any type of donation to help the victims of the Hurricane down south, here's links to the Red Cross and Salvation Army:
Red Cross:
Salvation Army:
FEMA: (This link includes the numbers and information on ways to make donations to various locations throughout the Gulf Coast.)
God bless everyone effected by the storms in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, including my family in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi who is so good to me everytime they come up here to Oklahoma.
Red Cross:
Salvation Army:
FEMA: (This link includes the numbers and information on ways to make donations to various locations throughout the Gulf Coast.)
God bless everyone effected by the storms in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, including my family in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi who is so good to me everytime they come up here to Oklahoma.
Bush's approval rating falls to new low
(The Washington Post) Rising gas prices and ongoing bloodshed in Iraq continue to take their toll on President Bush, whose standing with the public has sunk to an all-time low, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll.
The survey found Bush's job approval rating at 45 percent, down seven points since January and the lowest ever recorded for the president in Post-ABC surveys. Fifty-three percent disapproved of the job Bush is doing.
The war has been a drag on Bush's presidency for many months, but his Iraq approval ratings in the new poll were little changed from two months ago, despite widespread violence, a rash of U.S. casualties, antiwar protests outside the president's Texas ranch and a growing debate about reducing U.S. troop levels.
What may have pushed Bush's overall ratings down in the latest poll is pervasive dissatisfaction over soaring gasoline prices. Two-thirds of those surveyed said gas prices are causing financial hardship to them or their families. Gas prices stand to go even higher after Hurricane Katrina's rampage through the oil-rich Gulf of Mexico.
More ominously for the president, six in 10 Americans said there are steps the administration could take to reduce gas prices. Slightly more than a third say the recent run-up has been due to factors beyond the administration's control.
"I supported him last year," said Gina Coleman, 29, a homemaker living in Camden County, N.J. "I wouldn't vote for him again. It's gas prices, the war -- just the way he has been handling things.
The rise in gas is something that has been happening for a long time, and the prices are getting worse. This makes me feel more negative about him, definitely."
Bush also received negative marks for his handling of immigration, the economy and Social Security, although his ratings on the latter two were not as low as they were two months ago. A majority of Americans supported his handling of the campaign against terrorism.
Bad news for Congress, Democrats, tooThe poll numbers paint a portrait of national frustration with the direction and leadership of the country, which, if not reversed in coming months, is likely to color the environment for next year's midterm elections, putting incumbents in both parties on the defensive.
Dissatisfaction is not limited to the president. Fewer than four in 10 Americans -- 37 percent -- approve of the way the Republican-controlled Congress is doing its job, the lowest rating for lawmakers in nearly eight years.
The survey also provided bad news for Democratic leaders, who are judged as offering Bush only tepid opposition. Slightly more than half of those surveyed expressed dissatisfaction with congressional Democrats for not opposing Bush more aggressively.
Self-identified Democrats were particularly impatient. More than three in four said congressional Democrats have not gone far enough to oppose Bush on Iraq or on administration policies in general.
"Somebody needs to speak up," said Michelle Burgess, 41, a home health aide in St. Louis. "Enough is enough. I don't understand why we're over there in Iraq or what he's doing on other issues. There are too many lives being lost."
Independents were similarly dissatisfied with Democratic leaders for not challenging the president over the war and other issues, with six in 10 saying Democrats have been too meek.
Public attitudes toward the war have not changed significantly since the first of the year, the poll found. Slightly more than four in 10 -- 42 percent -- approved of the job Bush is doing in Iraq; 57 percent disapproved, unchanged in recent months. Slightly more than half -- 53 percent -- said the war was not worth it, while 46 percent said it was, identical to the results of a Post-ABC poll two months ago. By a 51 percent to 38 percent ratio, the public said the United States is winning the war, despite mounting casualties and insurgent attacks.
A majority (54 percent) continued to say the United States should keep military forces in Iraq until civil order is restored there; 44 percent said U.S. forces should be withdrawn. Six in 10 opposed announcing a timetable for withdrawal. Only about one in eight -- 13 percent -- said U.S. forces should be withdrawn immediately.
Michael Strickland, 31, a factory worker who lives in Pine Bluff, Ark., said he opposed the war before the United States invaded in March 2003: " It's just another Vietnam. . . . No matter what we do over there, they are going to kill us."
His solution: withdraw -- but not immediately. "Don't tell them when we're going to leave. . . . But do it in a reasonable time frame -- six months to a year. Even if we leave, it can't get any worse over there."
These ambivalent feelings about the war and Bush's policies in Iraq are felt even by many of his supporters who continue to back the U.S. invasion.
‘Really mixed feelings’"I have really mixed feelings, like probably the whole country has," said Wayne Almlie, 51, a warehouse worker and part-time pastor in Des Moines, who said he approves of Bush's overall performance. "We need to stay the course. I really think we do. The whole region would disintegrate if we would pull out. . . . I'd hate to have to be making those decision."
Despite escalating bloodshed, the struggles to approve a draft constitution and the well-covered antiwar protests led by Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq, the survey found little evidence that antiwar sentiment has increased the past two months.
The survey also found that Sheehan, who has been protesting the war outside Bush's ranch near Crawford, Tex., has become the most visible symbol of the antiwar movement. Fully three in four Americans have heard or read about her.
Sheehan met last year with Bush at an event for military families and has been seeking another meeting with him. Slightly more than half of the country -- 52 percent -- said Bush should meet her again; 46 percent said he should not. Fifty-three percent supported what she is doing and 42 percent opposed.
The poll found that opposition to the war has deepened among Democrats. Two months ago, two in three Democrats said they strongly disapproved of Bush's handling of Iraq; that has risen to three in four. Over that same period, the proportion of Democrats who described themselves as "angry" over Bush's Iraq policies has risen from 36 percent to 46 percent.
The poll found that Sheehan's activities may have helped increase support for the war among Bush supporters. Although eight in 10 Americans said Sheehan's protests have not changed their attitudes toward the war, one in 10 said she has made them more likely to support the conflict -- the same proportion that said she has made them less likely to support the war.
A total of 1,006 randomly selected adults were interviewed by telephone Aug. 25-28. The margin of sampling error for the results is plus or minus three percentage points.
Assistant polling director Claudia Deane contributed to this report.
© 2005 The Washington Post Company
The survey found Bush's job approval rating at 45 percent, down seven points since January and the lowest ever recorded for the president in Post-ABC surveys. Fifty-three percent disapproved of the job Bush is doing.
The war has been a drag on Bush's presidency for many months, but his Iraq approval ratings in the new poll were little changed from two months ago, despite widespread violence, a rash of U.S. casualties, antiwar protests outside the president's Texas ranch and a growing debate about reducing U.S. troop levels.
What may have pushed Bush's overall ratings down in the latest poll is pervasive dissatisfaction over soaring gasoline prices. Two-thirds of those surveyed said gas prices are causing financial hardship to them or their families. Gas prices stand to go even higher after Hurricane Katrina's rampage through the oil-rich Gulf of Mexico.
More ominously for the president, six in 10 Americans said there are steps the administration could take to reduce gas prices. Slightly more than a third say the recent run-up has been due to factors beyond the administration's control.
"I supported him last year," said Gina Coleman, 29, a homemaker living in Camden County, N.J. "I wouldn't vote for him again. It's gas prices, the war -- just the way he has been handling things.
The rise in gas is something that has been happening for a long time, and the prices are getting worse. This makes me feel more negative about him, definitely."
Bush also received negative marks for his handling of immigration, the economy and Social Security, although his ratings on the latter two were not as low as they were two months ago. A majority of Americans supported his handling of the campaign against terrorism.
Bad news for Congress, Democrats, tooThe poll numbers paint a portrait of national frustration with the direction and leadership of the country, which, if not reversed in coming months, is likely to color the environment for next year's midterm elections, putting incumbents in both parties on the defensive.
Dissatisfaction is not limited to the president. Fewer than four in 10 Americans -- 37 percent -- approve of the way the Republican-controlled Congress is doing its job, the lowest rating for lawmakers in nearly eight years.
The survey also provided bad news for Democratic leaders, who are judged as offering Bush only tepid opposition. Slightly more than half of those surveyed expressed dissatisfaction with congressional Democrats for not opposing Bush more aggressively.
Self-identified Democrats were particularly impatient. More than three in four said congressional Democrats have not gone far enough to oppose Bush on Iraq or on administration policies in general.
"Somebody needs to speak up," said Michelle Burgess, 41, a home health aide in St. Louis. "Enough is enough. I don't understand why we're over there in Iraq or what he's doing on other issues. There are too many lives being lost."
Independents were similarly dissatisfied with Democratic leaders for not challenging the president over the war and other issues, with six in 10 saying Democrats have been too meek.
Public attitudes toward the war have not changed significantly since the first of the year, the poll found. Slightly more than four in 10 -- 42 percent -- approved of the job Bush is doing in Iraq; 57 percent disapproved, unchanged in recent months. Slightly more than half -- 53 percent -- said the war was not worth it, while 46 percent said it was, identical to the results of a Post-ABC poll two months ago. By a 51 percent to 38 percent ratio, the public said the United States is winning the war, despite mounting casualties and insurgent attacks.
A majority (54 percent) continued to say the United States should keep military forces in Iraq until civil order is restored there; 44 percent said U.S. forces should be withdrawn. Six in 10 opposed announcing a timetable for withdrawal. Only about one in eight -- 13 percent -- said U.S. forces should be withdrawn immediately.
Michael Strickland, 31, a factory worker who lives in Pine Bluff, Ark., said he opposed the war before the United States invaded in March 2003: " It's just another Vietnam. . . . No matter what we do over there, they are going to kill us."
His solution: withdraw -- but not immediately. "Don't tell them when we're going to leave. . . . But do it in a reasonable time frame -- six months to a year. Even if we leave, it can't get any worse over there."
These ambivalent feelings about the war and Bush's policies in Iraq are felt even by many of his supporters who continue to back the U.S. invasion.
‘Really mixed feelings’"I have really mixed feelings, like probably the whole country has," said Wayne Almlie, 51, a warehouse worker and part-time pastor in Des Moines, who said he approves of Bush's overall performance. "We need to stay the course. I really think we do. The whole region would disintegrate if we would pull out. . . . I'd hate to have to be making those decision."
Despite escalating bloodshed, the struggles to approve a draft constitution and the well-covered antiwar protests led by Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq, the survey found little evidence that antiwar sentiment has increased the past two months.
The survey also found that Sheehan, who has been protesting the war outside Bush's ranch near Crawford, Tex., has become the most visible symbol of the antiwar movement. Fully three in four Americans have heard or read about her.
Sheehan met last year with Bush at an event for military families and has been seeking another meeting with him. Slightly more than half of the country -- 52 percent -- said Bush should meet her again; 46 percent said he should not. Fifty-three percent supported what she is doing and 42 percent opposed.
The poll found that opposition to the war has deepened among Democrats. Two months ago, two in three Democrats said they strongly disapproved of Bush's handling of Iraq; that has risen to three in four. Over that same period, the proportion of Democrats who described themselves as "angry" over Bush's Iraq policies has risen from 36 percent to 46 percent.
The poll found that Sheehan's activities may have helped increase support for the war among Bush supporters. Although eight in 10 Americans said Sheehan's protests have not changed their attitudes toward the war, one in 10 said she has made them more likely to support the conflict -- the same proportion that said she has made them less likely to support the war.
A total of 1,006 randomly selected adults were interviewed by telephone Aug. 25-28. The margin of sampling error for the results is plus or minus three percentage points.
Assistant polling director Claudia Deane contributed to this report.
© 2005 The Washington Post Company
Saturday, August 27, 2005
al Qaeda calls for destruction of "American Empire"

The al Qaeda group of Iraq has issued an e-book across the internet on various islamic websites, claiming that the insurgency is in better shape than the United States acknowledges and vows to continue the insurgency and destroy the United States empire. Refering to the members of the Pentagon as school boys and adolescents of the black house stating that they keep blasting our ears with talks of pure arrogance and conviction "We will not leave Iraq until we complete our mission." mean to tell me our countrys leader would really say something like that? In al Qaeda's justification for the attacks they state in the book that "We vow by the name of god that we are determined to destroy the American empire." There is very few people that are said to be safe from these attacks and violence, true muslims a group which does not include the shiites. The Quran justifies beheadings and explains why democracy is wrong. Several times in the book it mentions the calling of muslims to launch attacks against foreign forces in Iraq and people who cooperate with them. The reasons behind all the terrorist attacks weve seen not only here in America but all across the world since 9/11 is explained in this book and basically summed up by this statement also given: "The basics of our faith revolve around not harming true Muslims and not shedding one single drop of Muslim blood because one drop of true Muslim blood shed amounts to the demise of this whole world. So why do we carry out operations in Iraq against the Americans and their aides in the (Iraqi) army and police? First, to please God, who orders us to carry on this jihad and to force the occupiers to pull out of the land," it says, vowing to "spread the light of justice and glory all over the world." "repent or else." Finally the group says: "doctrine and mission are clear and they can be summarized as our agreement to believe in and fight for the religion of God." So what does this all mean? Does this mean that if the Iraqis are fighting for god as mentioned above, that Bush and the Republican party or war supporters are fighting for thier god? Without sounding blasphemous, does this mean Jesus is a war supporter or a preacher of the peace like mentioned in the bible? ~ds~
Friday, August 26, 2005
9 out of 10 ok with anti-war protesting

Whether you support the bloodbath in Iraq or completly disagree with it, a new AP-Ipsos poll showed that 9 out of 10 people surveyed say its "ok to protest the war", its simply excersing our first amendment rights of the US constitution. The US death toll in Iraq is quickly jumping over 1,870, and the publics opinion of Bush's overall handling of Iraq has been falling continuously over the past 2 years. While 60% of the public firmly believe that at this point we need to stay in Iraq until they are stable, the poll found that most people disapprove of the war, calling it a mistake, and half believe that it has increased terrorism. 37% of the public approve of the way the Bush administration is conducting the war. 3/4ths of Republicans and 15% of Democrats in that poll approve. The amount of opposition of the war in Iraq is right at about the same percentage of opposition that was seen in August 1968 during the Vietnam War. The support of the war in Iraq has also fallen faster than the support of the Vietnam War did nearly 40 years ago. Bush was quoted as saying "The country faced a clear choice after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11th 2001--either hunker down and retreat or bring the war to the terrorists, striking them before they could kill more of our people." Why is it, that despite substantial evidence and even admittance of the attacks of 9/11 by Osama Bin Laden, Bush invaded Iraq instead of hunting down Bin Laden when he knew all along the major threat at hand? ~ds~
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Bush feeling heat of the gun

With the war in Iraq making the same headlines as usual, and the president trying to catch up on some sleep from a hard days bike ride and hike, President Bush has been under the gun lately with the anti-war protesters at his throat. Bush has been giving reassurance speeches across the northwest to the American public trying to set some uneasy hearts at ease. Knowing he's in a situation now where not only are his ratings dropping in the polls, and various conservative politicians across the nation are speaking out against his handling of the war, he's got a big mess to clean up now. Outside the venue where Bush gave his speech in Salt Lake City, Utah, Bush ran into even more problems when he was attempting to leave and his motorcade passed by over 1,000 anti-war protesters out in the street. Perhaps Bush and his job approval at its lowest in his presidency are both a bit uncomfortable right now. The fact that he still refuses to meet with Cindy Sheehan in Crawford even for a minute makes me wonder if hes scared to come face to face with someone who he knows is going to chew his ass up a tree if given the opportunity. Why is it, that he can devote especially in a time like this the time for hiking and bike riding but can't give even one minute to another american citizen who's lost her son due to a decision that Bush himself has made. The Whitehouse claims to not care about polls, but Bush's advisors are indeed concerned about the stats, why do you think hes been making more public appearances during his month long vacation? Coincidence? He's got to make it look like he's somewhat stable. Congressionals are just around the corner and if Bush continues down the same bumpy road to hell, you can bet on seeing the donkeys pull up to the Whitehouse come around voting time. Bush has said the other day that its an amazing event unfolding to see the Iraqis write up a constitution. Now correct me if im wrong, but last I checked today the 3 groups who cant decide on anything, needed another extension, does this make 3 or 4 now? Bottom line: Iraq is uncertain of a completion date for their constitution and as I mentioned just the other day, the longer it takes them to complete it, the more American soldiers will have died. This is not by any means An amazing event unfolding or Mission accomplished. Don't piss down my leg and tell me its rain. ~ds~
Picture from:
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Bush in Idaho to deliver more lies

Donelly Idaho; President Bush delivered yet another speech today in Idaho, explaining to the people how Iraq is in the process of writing a constitution. Iraq is writing a new constitution but how long is this process going to take? There has been a total of 10 days worth of extensions given to the Shiites, Kurds, and Sunnis. The longer those 3 parties take, the more American Soldiers lose thier life day by day. Bush also said that we will remain on the hunt. "We have an obligation and a duty to protect this country." Up until we invaded Iraq for no reason, there was no threat from Iraq towards America. I personally feel that Bush is trying to pick up where his daddy left off back in 1991 for any number of reasons, no matter the reason, its the wrong reason. Bush went on to say "In the long run, we'll defeat the terrorists through the spread of freedom and democracy." I don't know about you but last I checked democracy was'nt achieved through war and killing. Freedom is a right that Bush says Americans are spreading, I thought this was a war on terrorism to protect the US from countries with weapons that dont exist, not to spread freedom to a country who only started pushing out terrorists against the US AFTER we showed up there. Its really difficult to watch a president who knows the truth but refuses to act on it. Bush claimed that the writing of the constitution is watching "an amazing event unfold" No, an amazing event would be a different president before 2008. ~ds~
We're at war. And so this is a hopeful time."
Yep, thats the United States of America's president Bush.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Bush plans Pro-war rallies

In the midst of same party criticism, protests, anti-war vigils, etc.. President Bush is scheduled to hold a speech in Salt Lake City, Utah today in a city, primarly republican, that is highly against the war in Iraq. Bush is hoping to convince the American people that the 1,862 honored soldiers deaths in Iraq is for a good cause. It has been said that the war in Iraq is becoming comparible to Vietnam back in the 70's but Bush is going to use World War II as his comparible event. Senior aides to Bush said that he planned to emphasize the fact that the insurgents battling US troops in Iraq share the same ideology as the al Qaeda operative who are responsible for the attacks on 09/11/2001. Bush knows that; that is a load of shit he is trying to feed the US on a silver spoon. It was shown yesterday on CNN, and National Geographic documentaries and even in the news this last week on that Colin Powell was forced to lie to the American people about the US intelligence: 9-11 report back in February of 2003 (Refer to 08/19/05 entries). Back in June of 2005 the president travelled to Fort Bragg, NC to deliver a speech as to Why the War is Ok, and subtly tried to assure the troops that the conflict in Iraq is worth the sacrifice. A hefty 1,862 honored soldiers deaths worth of sacrifices that is. In July of 2004 the 9/11's commission report found NO evidence that Iraq had any operational link with al Qaeda. Now why won't the media air this? I have no idea, but its really ashame that thier pleased as punch to air our presidents lies continuously but refuse to air the fucking truth. Furthermore: The CIA concluded back in February of 2005 that Iraq had become training ground for terrorists who wish to attack the US troops--an idea that did NOT exsist before the arrest of Suddam Hussein. Finally, despite Bushs efforts to win over Americans with his bullshit pro-war propaganda a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll conducted between August 5-7th, found that 54% of those surveyed thought the 2003 invasion of Iraq was a mistake. You mean to tell me the other 46% are suprised? No, just clouded minds that are too stuck on thier crumbling president to believe anything other than what he has to say, lie or not. What ashame. ~ds~
Poll report:
Friday, August 19, 2005
Hagel: Iraq growing more like Vietnam
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska on Thursday said the United States is "getting more and more bogged down" in Iraq and stood by his comments that the White House is disconnected from reality and losing the war.
The longer U.S. forces remain in Iraq, he said, the more it begins to resemble the Vietnam war.
Hagel mocked Vice President Dick Cheney's assertion in June that the insurgency in Iraq was in its "last throes," saying the U.S. death toll has risen amid insurgent attacks.
"Maybe the vice president can explain the increase in casualties we're taking," the Nebraskan told CNN.
"If that's winning, then he's got a different definition of winning than I do."
On Thursday, Cheney told a veterans group that "Iraq is a critical front in the war on terror, and victory there is critical to the future security of the U.S."
"Every man and woman who fights and sacrifices in this war is serving a just and noble cause," Cheney told the 73rd National Convention of the Military Order of the Purple Heart in Springfield, Missouri.
Hagel, an Army infantry squad leader during the Vietnam war, sits on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and supported the October 2002 resolution authorizing military action against Iraq.
But he said the United States risks losing more public support for the conflict amid a rising cost in blood and money.
"The casualties we're taking, the billion dollars a week we're putting in there, the kind of commitment we've got -- we're not going to be able to sustain it," he said.
Iraq and Vietnam still have more differences than similarities, he said, but "there is a parallel emerging."
"The longer we stay in Iraq, the more similarities will start to develop, meaning essentially that we are getting more and more bogged down, taking more and more casualties, more and more heated dissension and debate in the United States," Hagel said.
Hagel also did not back away from comments he made in June to U.S. News & World Report that
"the White House is completely disconnected from reality" and "the reality is that we're losing in Iraq."
"It gives me no great pleasure to have said that and to say that now," he said Thursday.
He said the U.S. death toll has continued to rise "at a very significant rate -- more dead, more wounded, less electricity in Iraq, less oil being pumped in Iraq, more insurgent attacks, more insurgents coming across the border, more corruption in the government."
A total of 1,861 American troops have died in the war since the U.S.-led invasion in March 2003, including four who were killed Thursday by a roadside bomb in Samarra. (Full story)
Cheney said in June that the insurgency is "in the last throes," and he predicted that the fighting will end before the Bush administration leaves office. (Full story)
In the CNN interview Thursday, Hagel mentioned Cheney's comments about the insurgency and quickly added, "The facts speak for themselves."
Hagel did say he agrees with President Bush that the United States should not set a timetable for troop withdrawal, but he also predicted the United States would begin "withdrawing troops from Iraq next year."
"I don't like time frames because it gives the president no flexibility, and I think you always must have flexibility in these things and a judgment call by the president," he said.
Ultimately, he said, it's up to the Iraqis to control their nation's fate.
"That means they are either going to have to be in a position sometime next year to really step up in governing themselves, defending themselves, supporting themselves, or we can't continue to stay there indefinitely," Hagel said.
The next six months will be "very critical" in Iraq, he said.
"Not just the constitution writing, referendum, the election -- but also within that six months' period we're going to see whether the Iraqis are really going to be capable of defending themselves," he said.
On another Iraq-related issue, Hagel said Bush made the wrong decision by not meeting again with Cindy Sheehan, a mother of a U.S. soldier killed in Iraq who has camped outside the president's Texas ranch. (Full story)
Sheehan "deserves some consideration, and I think that should have been done right from the beginning," Hagel said, noting that Bush did meet with her shortly after her son's death last year.
"I think the wise course of action, the compassionate course of action, the better course of action would have been to immediately invite her in to the ranch. It should have been done when this whole thing started. Listen to her." (CNN News) 08/19/2005
The longer U.S. forces remain in Iraq, he said, the more it begins to resemble the Vietnam war.
Hagel mocked Vice President Dick Cheney's assertion in June that the insurgency in Iraq was in its "last throes," saying the U.S. death toll has risen amid insurgent attacks.
"Maybe the vice president can explain the increase in casualties we're taking," the Nebraskan told CNN.
"If that's winning, then he's got a different definition of winning than I do."
On Thursday, Cheney told a veterans group that "Iraq is a critical front in the war on terror, and victory there is critical to the future security of the U.S."
"Every man and woman who fights and sacrifices in this war is serving a just and noble cause," Cheney told the 73rd National Convention of the Military Order of the Purple Heart in Springfield, Missouri.
Hagel, an Army infantry squad leader during the Vietnam war, sits on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and supported the October 2002 resolution authorizing military action against Iraq.
But he said the United States risks losing more public support for the conflict amid a rising cost in blood and money.
"The casualties we're taking, the billion dollars a week we're putting in there, the kind of commitment we've got -- we're not going to be able to sustain it," he said.
Iraq and Vietnam still have more differences than similarities, he said, but "there is a parallel emerging."
"The longer we stay in Iraq, the more similarities will start to develop, meaning essentially that we are getting more and more bogged down, taking more and more casualties, more and more heated dissension and debate in the United States," Hagel said.
Hagel also did not back away from comments he made in June to U.S. News & World Report that
"the White House is completely disconnected from reality" and "the reality is that we're losing in Iraq."
"It gives me no great pleasure to have said that and to say that now," he said Thursday.
He said the U.S. death toll has continued to rise "at a very significant rate -- more dead, more wounded, less electricity in Iraq, less oil being pumped in Iraq, more insurgent attacks, more insurgents coming across the border, more corruption in the government."
A total of 1,861 American troops have died in the war since the U.S.-led invasion in March 2003, including four who were killed Thursday by a roadside bomb in Samarra. (Full story)
Cheney said in June that the insurgency is "in the last throes," and he predicted that the fighting will end before the Bush administration leaves office. (Full story)
In the CNN interview Thursday, Hagel mentioned Cheney's comments about the insurgency and quickly added, "The facts speak for themselves."
Hagel did say he agrees with President Bush that the United States should not set a timetable for troop withdrawal, but he also predicted the United States would begin "withdrawing troops from Iraq next year."
"I don't like time frames because it gives the president no flexibility, and I think you always must have flexibility in these things and a judgment call by the president," he said.
Ultimately, he said, it's up to the Iraqis to control their nation's fate.
"That means they are either going to have to be in a position sometime next year to really step up in governing themselves, defending themselves, supporting themselves, or we can't continue to stay there indefinitely," Hagel said.
The next six months will be "very critical" in Iraq, he said.
"Not just the constitution writing, referendum, the election -- but also within that six months' period we're going to see whether the Iraqis are really going to be capable of defending themselves," he said.
On another Iraq-related issue, Hagel said Bush made the wrong decision by not meeting again with Cindy Sheehan, a mother of a U.S. soldier killed in Iraq who has camped outside the president's Texas ranch. (Full story)
Sheehan "deserves some consideration, and I think that should have been done right from the beginning," Hagel said, noting that Bush did meet with her shortly after her son's death last year.
"I think the wise course of action, the compassionate course of action, the better course of action would have been to immediately invite her in to the ranch. It should have been done when this whole thing started. Listen to her." (CNN News) 08/19/2005
Wilkerson speaks of the WMD lie
Well, what took democrats no time at all to realize and understand, took Colin Powell a bit longer to understand but still makes no sense to President Bush at all, not a big suprise. That is:
WMD's in Iraq: 0
KIA in Iraq: 1,863
Today a former top aide to Powell explained his involvement with the Bush administration and with Powell himself, "I wish I had not been involved in it" said Col. Lawrence Wilkerson. Wilkerson will be interviewed for a CNN documentery called Dead Wrong--Inside an intelligence meltdown Sunday at 8pm and 11pm ET. Powell gave his speech on 02/14/2003 presenting US intelligence that was claiming Suddam Hussein held WMD's in Iraq. It was said that the documents in which Powell was reading from was like a chinese menu presented from the White House, it was anything but an intelligent document. It was also said that Powell was NOT notified that one of the sources used in his documents was indeed a liar, a fabricator, he was also known in the political realm as "curveball". In Wilkersons documentary, he states that "George actually did call the secretary and said "I'm really sorry to have to tell you. We don't believe there were any mobile labs for making biological weapons." I'ts really ashame that the lefties tried to voice this so long ago but no one listened, its nice to see it in the national news. Perhaps now the republicans who "dont lie" because Jesus does'nt will have something to keep thier mouths closed about. Colin Powell was smart to leave when he did because he knew he was getting the short end of the republican lie stick. Bush: If you break it you fix it. Don't lie to and manipulate your own administration just for the better of yourself. Boy thats sure a real christian thing to do. ~ds~
WMD's in Iraq: 0
KIA in Iraq: 1,863
Today a former top aide to Powell explained his involvement with the Bush administration and with Powell himself, "I wish I had not been involved in it" said Col. Lawrence Wilkerson. Wilkerson will be interviewed for a CNN documentery called Dead Wrong--Inside an intelligence meltdown Sunday at 8pm and 11pm ET. Powell gave his speech on 02/14/2003 presenting US intelligence that was claiming Suddam Hussein held WMD's in Iraq. It was said that the documents in which Powell was reading from was like a chinese menu presented from the White House, it was anything but an intelligent document. It was also said that Powell was NOT notified that one of the sources used in his documents was indeed a liar, a fabricator, he was also known in the political realm as "curveball". In Wilkersons documentary, he states that "George actually did call the secretary and said "I'm really sorry to have to tell you. We don't believe there were any mobile labs for making biological weapons." I'ts really ashame that the lefties tried to voice this so long ago but no one listened, its nice to see it in the national news. Perhaps now the republicans who "dont lie" because Jesus does'nt will have something to keep thier mouths closed about. Colin Powell was smart to leave when he did because he knew he was getting the short end of the republican lie stick. Bush: If you break it you fix it. Don't lie to and manipulate your own administration just for the better of yourself. Boy thats sure a real christian thing to do. ~ds~
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Anti-War protesters across the country

If the Bush administration is'nt feeling the heat now they sure will be soon. As another cliche news headline hits the list with "4 US soldiers killed today in Iraq", anti-war protesters all across the United States are joining together in an effort to end the war in Iraq. The organizers from California to Florida:, Political Action, True Majority, and Democracy for America, were responsible for the countrywide vigils that are now being held. Despite the heat, Bush still refuses to speak with Cindy Sheehan as im sure he's wetting his britches right about now wondering what to do, "Dangit! I thought i had them hook, line, and sinker." nope. In New Hampshire, about 150 stood outside the statehouse holding candles and uniting in protest. At Cincinnati's Fountain Square some 200 protesters took part in a peace vigil singing "Give Peace A Chance" Hawaii has also taken part as well as vigils held in Oregon, Dallas Texas, Madison,Wisconsin, Washington D.C. and even in Paris France, where a huge sign was posted to the Eiffel Tower spelling Peace in 32 different languages. Is the idea of "Unite not fight" really that bad of an idea? Why is it, that republicans stand for christianity, christianity stands for Christ, Christ stands for peace, but republicans support a needless war? Really, what are we there for? Protesters on the other side of the spectrum, decided they're going to hold a pro-war vigil at the same park in Washington DC where the anti-war protesters will be. Kristinn Taylor, co-leader of the groups Washington DC chapter said "This is a publicity stunt" Since when was the protest against the death of 1,861 honored soldiers a "publicity stunt"? Is the lady really that jaded? She also referred to pulling the troops out of Iraq as that would be leaving them to go to hell, but im sure Jesus is just jumping up and down standing at Heavens gates with every fallen soldier or civilian right? ~ds~
To voice your support for Cindy Sheehan click here:

Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Ohio and I speak out against war and Bush

With the American death toll in Iraq rising like a thermometer in August, and Ohio losing nearly 100 soldiers in operation "Bush's Mistake", Paul Schroeder (R) Ohio, spoke out against the war as well as Bush. The Schroeders lost thier son who was in the Marines, about 2 weeks ago due to a roadside bomb. Schroeder said "I hold the Bush administration responsible, from the president to the secretaries of state and defense and all those who have had a hand in starting this war." Now to me, that speaks volumes coming from a republican who more than likely voted for Bush to begin with. What pleases me, is the fact that more and more republicans are starting to see the true meaning of this war in Iraq....there is'nt one. Schroeder went on to say "To honor him, I no longer can sit still, just keeping quiet and being politically correct." I totally agree with him, im very happy to see Mr. Schroeder speak out to the Bush administration and press the fluke of a president we have against the wall and with the media to. At a press conference Thursday the president said "Pulling troops out prematurely will betray the Iraqis. Our mission in Iraq, as I said earlier, is to fight the terrorists, is to train the Iraqis."
Bush listen to the people of this country, your fucking us up, your fucking America up, your ruining lives, ruining families, and digging yourself into more shit than you can swallow, give it up, listen to the people and bring the soldiers home, I realize that requires pulling your pants up and putting the horse back in the barn, but somethings got to be done, your failing as a person and your failing as a president, your ratings have only gone down since November 2004 and if its not obvious by now your losing the trust of even your own party when will you screw your head on straight and see the truth behind this all. You can't find a way out of Iraq but sure as hell had no problem finding away out from the Vietnam draft. What would happen if Bush's daughters got deployed? Thats my rant and rave: ~ds~
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
"Camp Casey" vandalized by hillbilly

Crawford Texas, A man was arrested today for running over and destroying the crosses that lined the roads leading to President Bush's ranch. Each and every cross was handmade and painted in rememberance of those who have lost thier lives in Iraq. Larry Northern of Waco Texas, was arrested and charged with criminal mischief in connection with the vandalism. Its really frusterating to me, to see these osh kosh begosh over-all wearing missing tooth rednecks destroy memorials, try to frighten people with shotgun fire in the sky and ward off the protesters simply because they're brainwashed into Bush's lie pool of bullshit, and since these are Bush's ranch neighbors, that reflects on Bush as well, minus the missing teeth. Im sure they all keep shotguns hidden behind the front door just in case: "some stray feral cat decides to shit on thier lawn where the cattle and steer are only allowed." For a rightwing party whos so "war friendly" you would think that at the VERY least, they could honor and respect those who have died for Bush's mistake. Come on now, were not asking for much, simply a different president in 2008, and thank god the Bush clock is counting down. Reading this in the news today reminded me of a commercial for the Beverly Hillbillies. ~ds~
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Bush discusses foreign policy
As a follow up to my previous post, President Bush has since given a speech from his Crawford Ranch, in response to the highly criticized War on Iraq. If Bush really respected the views of us anti war protesters and advocates, why won't he do anything about it? Saying "I just strongly disagree. Pulling our troops out would send a terrible signal to the enemy." Oh would it now? So what im getting out of this, is were sending a happy peaceful message to the "enemy" right now, and that if we were to discontinue this, it would send a terrible signal to the "enemy?" "I understand their pain." No Bush, you don't understand their pain, I don't understand their pain, why? We dont have loved ones, sons, daughters, in a foreign country dying for a foreign cause. One thing that must be understood is compassion for these families. Can you really imagine what these people are going through? When would the ideal time be to avoid sending terrible signals to the wrong enemy?
Troops to be kept in Iraq

Despite all the media and political authority rumors with hopes of withdrawing troops from Iraq as early as spring of 2006, a leading military official said Wednesday that "Iraq's leaders and military will be unable to lead the fight against insurgents until next summer, at the earliest." Iraq is scheduled to hold elections this upcoming December, although it sounds simple enough, the country is struggling to even get a constitution written up. The military official who asked to go unnamed, also said "I think the important point is there's not going to be a fundamental change." I totally agree with him, the insurgency is not going to suddenly vanish simply because elections were held, there is still going to be economic struggles as well as political hardships, staying another year is not going to help anything except for the KIA count. What good are we really doing in Iraq right now? President Bush is stuck on the fact that Iraq is getting stronger, and really, who can you kid? Take a look at the news, every day its More Americans killed by roadside bomb in Iraq. Car bomb explodes in Iraq killing 'xx'. This is all coming from a country who can't even compile a constitution for thier country for christs sake. If now is not the time to withdrawal our troops, then just when exactly is it time to say "Enough is enough?" ~ds~
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Jeanine Pirro and her straight arrow husband

Who is this Jeanine Pirro? She comes from out of the blue, and says shes going to challenge Hillary Clinton? "Im challenging Hillary Clinton because New York State deserves a senator who will give her all to the people of New York for a full term, who will not miss votes to campaign in presidential primaries." This is all coming from a lady who's husband is in jail right now for tax fraud, someone who back in 1986 refused to release information about his law practice causing Pirro to drop out as GOP canidate for Lieutenant Governer. A statewide poll in New York had Clinton leading Pirro 63% to 29%. Bill Clinton got a blow job, at least it went public, but for christs sake, tax fraud? 95% of American males have had a blowjob, but ask how many American males have commited tax fraud. I thought one of the ten commandments was "Thou shall not steal." Come on republicans if your going to put up a fight at least make it worth while. Jesus would'nt steal and I thought thats what republicans went by. You elected your christian president, who speaks of human creation just like jesus, but wants evolution taught to the same kids, simply to practice free thinking. Is'nt that what democrats are supposed to do? I completly support free religion and practices, but my god if your going to talk the talk, at least walk the walk, is that really too much to ask? ~ds~
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Bill Maher on David Letterman tonight
Be sure to catch Bill Maher on David Letterman tonight on CBS at 11:30pm ET.
Venezuela criticizes the US

In a time when Bush is struggling to find a friend aside from Enron and Haliburton, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez spoke out at the opening ceremony of a World Youth Festival. Deeply criticizing the United States and President Bush, Chavez used the slogan: "Against Imperialism and War" to speak out to 15,000 youths from 144 different countries who attended the event this past Monday in Caracas. Chavez called the USA the "most savage, cruel, and murderous empire that has existed in the history of the world." also going on to say "socialism is the only path." More than 300 US students shouted out "Get out Bush!" while others "Bush, fascist--you're a terrorist!" This all seems to be typical now of other countries feelings towards the USA. Chavez has made ties with countries such as Iran and China, expressing his encouragement of the new Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, also going on to say that he expects to strengthen his ties. Despite the week long anti-war protesting in Caracas, the US government still strongly denies claim that it is considering military action against Cuba's closest ally here in America. Yet again our country recieved warning from a foreign leader regarding our "War mongor" president. Chavez said that the US government which "won't stop caressing the idea of invading Cuba or invading Venezuela," should be warned of the consequences. I just hope Bush is happy now that he's broken ally ties with virtually every country in the world now. What is more sad than that, is once again, it's taking other leaders from around the world to make US citizens aware of our lame duck in the Whitehouse. Don't be too close-minded to believe the truth. ~ds~
Monday, August 08, 2005
Bush's brilliance and judgement

True intelligence at it's finest, just in case you havent seen or read the news in about 2 years:
"Make no mistake about it, We are at war." (08/04/2005)
Your guess is as good as mine, sounds like a game of duck duck goose or see-sawing in the park:
"As Iraqis stand up, American and coalition forces will stand down."
Limited is 100% correct, individual freedom is not...remember, no abortions, no gays, no grass?
"A limited government that promotes free markets and individual liberties."
Funny that Bush mentions this just days after signing the CAFTA bill sending jobs overseas:
"Our economy is strong, yet I will not be satisfied until every American who wants to work can find a job."
I thought Bush and Bin Laden were still playing Hide and go Seek:
"Of course we're after Saddam Hussien-I mean Bin Laden. He's isolated."
Well, he's got 2.5 years to go:
"Under my leadership we're going to win this war in Iraq."
Did Bin Laden move to Iraq?:
"First of all, of course I know Osama Bin Laden attacked us. I know that." (09/30/2005)
I will continue with the 2nd in a series of much awaited Bush quotes as he speaks out in the future. ~ds~
Friday, August 05, 2005
Bush: Approval still falling and failing

Despite his latest efforts to comfort the American people with hardly anything to say, President Bush continues to find himself slowly but surely slipping further down in the approval rating polls. October of 2004 showed Bush with an overall approval rating of 51% and dissaproval of 46%. According to the latest lpsos poll Bush now is sitting at a mere 38% approval 62% dissapproval in the handling of the war in Iraq. His lowest rating ever since taking office. Who do the republicans think they're kidding? The world? Themselves? Thier own country? It was stated this morning on the "Today Show" that after his current vacation at his Crawford Texas ranch, Bush will have taken nearly 1 years worth of vacation since his first term in 2000. That's more than any other president in the past 38 years. That say's a lot about Bush. No wonder his %'s are dwindling as the months pass, it goes to show that more and more people are finally realizing the truth about thier president. CNN reported today that if the war in Iraq is still active in 2006, that it could have a significant impact on the mid-term congressionals next year and an even bigger impact on the 2008 Presidential elections. Charles Nuutinen, a 62 year old Independant from Wisconsin said "He's turning this country into Saudi Arabia. He does what he wants. He does'nt care what the people want." Now that says a lot. If the bible stated: Bush is a thief, his intentions are to steal, kill, and destroy." Would the republican's believe us then? I guess there's just some things that will never be known. ~ds~
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Al Qaida gives warnings

In a video taped address to the UK as well as the USA, Deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahri made it known today that if the United States does not withdraw troops from Iraq that 9-11 and other attacks will be nothing compared to the next one. He was quoted as saying "Stop stealing our oil and wealth, and stop supporting corrupt rulers." Im sorry but I didnt vote for the guy either. I apologize to the rest of the world for Bush. al-Zawahri also stated "The truth that has been kept from you by Bush, Rice, and Rumsfield is that there is no way out of Iraq without immediate withdrawal, and any delay on this means only more dead, more losses. " What is it going to take for the American people to realize what the fuck Bush is doing to us, dont be deaf, dumb, and blind, wake up and realize that were being destoyed here, were being lyed to, and nobody is doing a thing about it, theres numerous young kids overseas dying right now because of Bush's mistakes while he's horsebacking in Crawford, Texas. If and when the US comes under attack again, is Bush going to sit for another 7 minutes reading a book staring at the wall thinking "Dang, what do I do now?" or "Wow...I really messed things up." what will we see next? Is this going to be the end of it? This is obviously a warning for things to come, were either prepared or were not, and lets just hope Bush is ready for the day that he has to earn his paycheck. ~ds~
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Before flopping, Atkins goes "Low Cash"
In a day and time when Americans are searching for the easest way to lose weight without getting up off thier asses or leaving the tv for a minute, or even give up fast food for a bit, Atkins whom mind you filed for section 11 bankruptcy this last week, has decided to try one last time for a peice of that money making American health trend pie. Now instead of running to the store for a head of lettuce or even a couple tomatoes, you too can mozy your fat ass to McDonalds, for a very inexpensive alternetive....ketchup and mustard packs. What has American come to? First they try lying to people telling them that carbs are bad and losing the carbs means losing the weight. Its bullshit. You can lose all the carbs you want but when you quit the worthless diet, your going to gain back at least what took you a year to finally lose. The problem though is'nt the diet itself, its the people who thought of this so called "diet" that are a disgrace to America. It's the people who buy into all this mess and the consumers of the foods themselves. No one told you to eat a greasy, salty hamburger every night this week for dinner, along with those extra large boxes of fries, even funnier is the ones who order all this and then ask for Diet Coke. How come other countries have no problem with obesity? They don't have Atkins cramming false diet propaganda down thier throats, they don't live in a country where every other commercial on television is for a new way to "burn the fat" or "lose weight without giving up your eating habits" and they STILL maintain overall healthier lifestyles. Im quite happy to see Atkins finally go under, especially if they think they can get away with telling people its healthy to live on ketchup and mustard with a dessert of relish. Not only that but its low cash to. It's sad enough that someone has to pay another to tell he/she how to eat. Have fun sucking up unemployment Atkins. ~ds~
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Bush signs CAFTA
This morning, President Bush signed the CAFTA agreement stating that "The measure will help strenghthen fragile young democracies in Latin America--and show those countries that the United States will stand by thier side." First off, I can't think of any country who wants President Bush by thier side. Thats just asking for problems. Secondly, you can always count on Bush to send jobs elsewhere in the world thats going to make HIM more money, its not whats good for the American people, its whats good for George and his daddy. After losing Enron they need all the financial help they can get right? What better way to make some quick cash than to send the USA's highly needed jobs to other countries. We can get the same amount and same type of work done for so much cheaper so lets go for it. What about the ones who are struggling day by day to even put food on the table here in American? Is that really of no concern to him? About this whole "Democracy and Freedom" bit that Bush claims this bill is going to assist, if its as easy as signing a document, why in the hell are Americans still dying in Iraq for the wrong reason? It's understandable that people in other countries must work just like Americans, but my god, we need to fix the problems here in this country before we go toying around with other countries just to make an extra dollar and keep them off our backs, we tried to warn the country on election day that red is wrong, but everyone insisted on his vote anyways. It's funny now, that his approval rating has done nothing but drop since then. I see hoove prints on the elephants ass.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
All out blog wars

I found this information quite interesting today, offers a service called "Trends". This service is used to monitor and track the frequency and usage of any 2 different things. For example: "Who's had more blogs posted about themselves? George Bush, or Bill Clinton? Then a graph will popup with the stats as well as other related information to your inquiry. Well being the curious cat that I am, I typed in a search for "Republican/Democrat" I was saddened to see the results listed above. I realize that these stats are from 2001 and up but still, Republicans are posting far more blog entries than Democrats, month by month. I figured that surely there would be more liberal propaganda and rebuttals being posted day by day as the news sites feed us mouthfuls of the republican pie. It's time to be more proactive, that includes myself to. We have a bit more than 3 years to make a change and set things right in the Whitehouse. Something has got to change. ~ds~
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Negligence or Pity?

The story here lately is regarding a 3 year old boy who about a month ago had his arm amputated after having it chewed by one of the neighbors pit bulls. Now I hate to sound cold hearted here, but dammit, who in the right mind is going to leave thier 3 year old son UNattendend in thier back yard KNOWING that thier neighbor has pit bulls? The family now is suing thier neighbors for over $10,000 in damages. The boy stuck his arm through a hole in the chain link fence as ANY curious 3 year old would if thier parents were'nt around and now look what happens, a case between an angry family and a pit bull owner who knows just as well as the other family that pit bulls are NOT illegal in the state of Oklahoma. Here's my comments:
1. If you were outside monitoring your 3 year old son, this would have never happened.
2. You know good and well that your neighbor has pit bulls in his backyard. How can you not?
3. If you we're anywhere close to decent parents you would NOT leave a 3 year old unattended.
I have a couple of friends that own pit bulls, and never once have I ever had to run away or be scared of petting one, why should you be? Pits are gaurd dogs just like dobermans, rotwielers, and other breeds of bulldogs as well. The dog was gaurding his territory just like his owner taught him to, sounds like a smart dog to me, and bad parents next door. ~ds~
Monday, July 25, 2005
The Columbian Drug

Have you ever thought about selling your coca plant harvest to the government or what about your poppy seed collection to invest in a retirement plan? Ok, me either. The Columbian government in South America in thier latest efforts to fight the escalating cocaine and heroin epidemic, have decided to start paying the farmers of coca and poppy plants in exchange for thier crops. President Alvaro Uribe said that farmers would have to sign a contract stating that they will not continue to grow and harvest plants after surrendering thier current crops to Columbian government officials before they get paid. The farmers are being asked to locate the nearest police officer or Army Commander without fear of arrest to make the transaction. ~ds~
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Friday, July 22, 2005
Invasion of American Rights and Privacy?
Now that London has been hit twice this month, New York City decided to implement a new search method based on numeric code. The New York Subway system which is used by some 3 million people daily, will be searching subway commuters bags and backpacks before they board. This may sound ok to some, but doesnt that violate our rights as Americans? Is this ok since after all, NY has been hit once, and thier subway system is just like Londons? One thing that strikes me as strange though is this "numeric code" being used, based on an interview with the NYC Police commissioner. He said that approximatly 1 out of every 5-10 people will be searched before boarding the subway. Even though the primary suspects have been/are Arabian males everyone is subject to a friendly search by the NYPD. It's ashame that the USA has come to this, but really, what else can be done? There is a fine line being walked right now, infringing on citizens rights and privacy, or let this go and risk another terrorist attack. Who knows where exactly this is going to lead us? Looks to me as though the Supreme Court is going to be busy for awhile, only time will tell. ~ds~
Thursday, July 21, 2005
More "Flops" in whitehouse

If there is one thing that irritates me more, its the criticism that the Northwestern University ladies LaCrosse team is getting over wearing flip flops to the whitehouse. First off, I don't care if EVERY girl on that team wore flip flops, there's been a cabinet of them in the white house since the year 2000 anyways, so whats the difference? What's 4 more pair going to hurt? Laura Bush wore a pair when she was pleading in court for a charge of "Minor with possession of alcohol." Will we ever hear about that? Noooooo. See, these are things that go unheard of, why? Because it's not a big deal. I watched the news as some uptight republican (Your probably wondering which one?) It was just some republican that made a remark along these lines: "Just like Generation "X" this was simply a more secretive way for the girls to "rebel." Yes I said it, rebel. Now if it walks like an uptight fool, talks like an uptight fool, and thinks like an uptight fool, then it must be a republican. I've got one question, Did'nt Jesus wear flip flops? And if jesus was at the white house, would anything have been said? Sounds stupid, but its true. Hmm....guess that was jesus's way of rebelling. Be sure to tune in to Court TV for further updates. ~ds~
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Rove vs. The U.S.A
Why can't people keep thier mouths shut? If I made the same kind of money Karl Rove did, I would'nt ever speak again. It's a fucking shame that in the midst of active terrorism and the actions actually taken by CIA agent's to help at least a little on the terrorism epidemic that you've always got that certain loon that can't keep his mouth closed. I think Karl Rove should go ahead and resign now just like every other republican cabinet member has over the past 9 months or so. Who can you really trust these day's? Obviously not the government, of course I've known that for a long time now as should everyone. It reminds me of the lyrics from a George Harrison track "Take care beware of greedy leaders." Even with that song written back in 1971 i've always felt it as a precaution to the latter generations. Greedy is'nt just "want want want" and "Take take take", it's anything that has to do with the lack of consideration towards others, and by leaking information that effects the entire USA, THAT is complete greed. Quit wasting the time on court decisions and media coverage and get rid of Rove now. ~ds~
Monday, July 11, 2005
Bush vs. Blair
Now this one really irritates the hell out of me. If you were given the choice, who would you prefer to run your country? President Bush or P.M. Tony Blair? Given the opportunity this last week to catch a press conference with both Bush and then Blair, I decided to compare the two just to see if Bush is as bad as he looks and seems. Yep he sure is. Blair seems so intelligent and speaks the same. His actions and his concern for his country were very impressive, the way he presents himself and the total overall knowledge of the man can definintly be seen. I was in complete stupor after watching our president give his 5 minutes of bullshit to the nation in reference to the London bombings last Thursday. Strapped with his bright blue neck tie and ready to embrace the world in weak feeble hands, Mr. Bush speaks of the "Pandamoneom of AIDS" as well as a cleaner enviroment for the world. He had to make it well known that while he was working for our country to improve this place there were "People out there wanting to kill other people" its "full contrast is clear." I dont know about you, but watching his speech made me fucking sick, to see such a fool in speech, act, and knowledge, out here representing our country. Its not fair that England gets the Smart guy and we get the fool on the hill. ~ds~
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Burning London
What a day to return to my blog. After waking up this morning and turning on CNN as I do every morning, usually its a kidnapping in Florida, or a missing child here or there, nope not today, London England was the focus of worldwide attention today. Could it be a new group of terrorists responsible for the bombings on the subway stations and bus? Could it be Bin Laden again? According to an Al Quida website that has never been seen before, it was a new group of terrorists that claim responsibility for the attacks. Will we ever see a peaceful day again? God Bless the U.K.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Business is business
What a busy week its been around here lately. Im finally in the process of designing my web page for the online business im going to be starting here in a couple of weeks hopefully. Cyber Photo Design. Im really hoping things will make all my time and effort well worth while in the end. This is not by any means an easy chore. Usually people will have someone create thier web page for them, not me. Im the stubborn one who insists on doing it all on my own. Ive realized over the past couple of years how big the digital photography scene has become and am hoping to be a big part of that. Not only digital photography but anything SLR as well. Photo restoration, online photo albums, online scrapbooks etc. One thing I am doing that I honestly have not seen much of and I just randomly thought of this. Creating and designing "Concert Scrapbooks" if your big on music and attending concerts like myself, then you might know what im talking about. Where do your tickets usually end up after you get home from a long night of live music? What about the flyers and other memoirs aquired at the shows? Autographs as well. If you go to shows as much as I do then you might want to think about preserving everything from the past. Thats where im hoping to step in and help. Guess i'll just have to wait and see how things pan out. Until then. ~ds~
Monday, June 20, 2005
Hang em out to dry
Just in case you havent heard yet, the US government is quite sure they know where Osama Bin Laden is, but guess what...thier excuse for not going after him? "Weak links in the war on terrorism." Now what in the hell kind of lame duck excuse is that? Its quite clear to the world now that "Operation Iraqi Freedom" wasnt the right direction to go to begin with. Do you really think this is a time to being playing fair with Mr. Bin Laden? I understand the "Rules of Engagement" but hell they've already been broken, why are'nt we taking care of business now? Fair is over with, no such word should exsist in this case, you don't just let someone kill 2000+ people, crash two planes, destroy two buildings as well as thousands of lives, and "Play Fair" its bullshit. Mr. Goss even goes as far as to say, when asked if terrorism could strike the US again?" He responeded with "Yes, It could. Certainly the intent is very high." Now I realize that just because a politician speaks his mind or the truth, that does'nt mean he or she can solve the problem, perhaps its out of his or her control, but in today's paranoid society, you don't go off telling the nation that the chance's of another terrorist attack are very high. Its just like the Homeland Security meter, there's been plenty of debate on that as well. Does it really meter our vulneralbility or does it simply spark fear in the hearts of Americans. To me its just another way to A. Fill the hopeless void I would say alot of Americans are feeling right now. or B. To scare the hell out of every one of us until the right people are brought to justice. Just find Bin Laden and hang his towel out to dry. ~ds~
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
The good ol' US of DA
Its all over TV, different ways to make us look better, enhance our sexual performance, live a healthier lifestyle, cut down on those carbs, "Hey look ma! 0% transfat!" All the hype over calorie intake etc...well its funny to me, that people try so hard to better themselves, but fail and dont know where to go. Everyones paranoid about getting sick and food poisoning and "Back in my day, i remember eating my hamburgers bloody and rare, we knew no better." Now we do, why is it that people dont pay attention to the ever infamous Mad Cow disease, I myself dont eat meat, and havent for quite sometime, but for those of you that do, do you really think that the USDA gives two shits about you and your well being? Not in the least. Its a fact that despite finding cattle with cancerous masses on thier bodies, broken limbs, dead cows found on the slaughter house floor etc...the USDA approves this and deems this OK for human consumption. Another case of mad cow disease was discovered late last Friday, although still in testing stage, why in the hell would anyone want to take a chance of contracting it? Hearing "Mad Cow disease raises fear in americans' beef consumption." Then dont eat it. Very simple. Japan has already cut off beef exportation ties with the USA and im sure thats just the begining. The good ol' US of A is a money hungry beef eating country thats afraid to try something new, we live in the land of the free and the home of the unhealthy. Its really sad. ~ds~
Monday, June 13, 2005
Pink Floyd
This is the best news Ive come across in a LONG time! Its Monday and im hyped! Just informed a bit ago, courtesy of that Pink Floyd is reuniting for a show in London, England on July 2nd 2005. This includes all original members, Roger Waters, Dave Gilmour, Nick Mason, and Richard Wright. I realize I wont be at this show of course, but damn im sure hoping someway somehow it will be televised. Should I pack and move to London? Hmm sounds like a pretty good idea actually. ~ds~
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Be all that you can not enlisting
So it appears that the U.S. army missed its recruiting goal for the first time since 1999, hmm.. im going to take a wild guess here. Could it be that more and more teens are realizing the ignorance and the stupidity of this on going failure we call the "War in Iraq"? Could it be that president Bush has placed more fear in the hearts of the U.S. citizens than the terrorists themselves? CNN news ran an article today quoting "U.S. troops are dying at a rate of two a day in Iraq, more than two years after President Bush declared that major combat operations had ended." Two a day is two to many. Its tearing apart families, morticians putting in overtime at the same amount of pay and most likely without health insurance as well. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Its shit. Appearently the army is saying that todays economy is offering attractive alternatives to many highschool and college students. One question. Whats so attractive about war and death? Is a college tuition worth risking your life and possibly the future of your spouse and kids for? To me the military puts a price on each indivisual soldier serving, with a college tuition and now even by raising the enlisting bonus. Dont get me wrong, I respect EACH and EVERY soldier over there in the desert right now risking thier lives, but damn enough is enough bring them home and let them pursue thier own American Dream, not the Iraqi Dream. Bush youve dug a hole and handed out shovels to each and every american in this country just take a look at your approval rating. ~ds~
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Howard Oh Howard!
Let me start by saying that I really respect Mr. Howard Dean and his immunity to criticism and his open-minded character. What scares me now is the fact that even his fellow democrats are keeping thier distance from him because they to are worried that now he's said far too much. True I certainly dont agree with the way the whitehouse is being run (destroyed) but if the democratic party ever has a chance of taking office in 3 years we've got to keep the respect we've earned and not throw what little this nation has given us out the bathroom window. Im not saying that what Mr. Dean said or has said, is a lie or unrespectable, all im saying is that until the next election in 2008 the democratic party is porcelain on a 3rd story window sill. I agree with New Mexico governor Bill Richardson "Dean is doing a good job, but is not the party's spokesman." Remember, the tongue is a sword and very powerful, Mr. Dean don't use that sword of yours to make sausage out of the democratic donkey. ~ds~