Bush feeling heat of the gun

With the war in Iraq making the same headlines as usual, and the president trying to catch up on some sleep from a hard days bike ride and hike, President Bush has been under the gun lately with the anti-war protesters at his throat. Bush has been giving reassurance speeches across the northwest to the American public trying to set some uneasy hearts at ease. Knowing he's in a situation now where not only are his ratings dropping in the polls, and various conservative politicians across the nation are speaking out against his handling of the war, he's got a big mess to clean up now. Outside the venue where Bush gave his speech in Salt Lake City, Utah, Bush ran into even more problems when he was attempting to leave and his motorcade passed by over 1,000 anti-war protesters out in the street. Perhaps Bush and his job approval at its lowest in his presidency are both a bit uncomfortable right now. The fact that he still refuses to meet with Cindy Sheehan in Crawford even for a minute makes me wonder if hes scared to come face to face with someone who he knows is going to chew his ass up a tree if given the opportunity. Why is it, that he can devote especially in a time like this the time for hiking and bike riding but can't give even one minute to another american citizen who's lost her son due to a decision that Bush himself has made. The Whitehouse claims to not care about polls, but Bush's advisors are indeed concerned about the stats, why do you think hes been making more public appearances during his month long vacation? Coincidence? He's got to make it look like he's somewhat stable. Congressionals are just around the corner and if Bush continues down the same bumpy road to hell, you can bet on seeing the donkeys pull up to the Whitehouse come around voting time. Bush has said the other day that its an amazing event unfolding to see the Iraqis write up a constitution. Now correct me if im wrong, but last I checked today the 3 groups who cant decide on anything, needed another extension, does this make 3 or 4 now? Bottom line: Iraq is uncertain of a completion date for their constitution and as I mentioned just the other day, the longer it takes them to complete it, the more American soldiers will have died. This is not by any means An amazing event unfolding or Mission accomplished. Don't piss down my leg and tell me its rain. ~ds~
Picture from: www.stampandshout.com