Ohio and I speak out against war and Bush

With the American death toll in Iraq rising like a thermometer in August, and Ohio losing nearly 100 soldiers in operation "Bush's Mistake", Paul Schroeder (R) Ohio, spoke out against the war as well as Bush. The Schroeders lost thier son who was in the Marines, about 2 weeks ago due to a roadside bomb. Schroeder said "I hold the Bush administration responsible, from the president to the secretaries of state and defense and all those who have had a hand in starting this war." Now to me, that speaks volumes coming from a republican who more than likely voted for Bush to begin with. What pleases me, is the fact that more and more republicans are starting to see the true meaning of this war in Iraq....there is'nt one. Schroeder went on to say "To honor him, I no longer can sit still, just keeping quiet and being politically correct." I totally agree with him, im very happy to see Mr. Schroeder speak out to the Bush administration and press the fluke of a president we have against the wall and with the media to. At a press conference Thursday the president said "Pulling troops out prematurely will betray the Iraqis. Our mission in Iraq, as I said earlier, is to fight the terrorists, is to train the Iraqis."
Bush listen to the people of this country, your fucking us up, your fucking America up, your ruining lives, ruining families, and digging yourself into more shit than you can swallow, give it up, listen to the people and bring the soldiers home, I realize that requires pulling your pants up and putting the horse back in the barn, but somethings got to be done, your failing as a person and your failing as a president, your ratings have only gone down since November 2004 and if its not obvious by now your losing the trust of even your own party when will you screw your head on straight and see the truth behind this all. You can't find a way out of Iraq but sure as hell had no problem finding away out from the Vietnam draft. What would happen if Bush's daughters got deployed? Thats my rant and rave: ~ds~