Bush: Approval still falling and failing

Despite his latest efforts to comfort the American people with hardly anything to say, President Bush continues to find himself slowly but surely slipping further down in the approval rating polls. October of 2004 showed Bush with an overall approval rating of 51% and dissaproval of 46%. According to the latest lpsos poll Bush now is sitting at a mere 38% approval 62% dissapproval in the handling of the war in Iraq. His lowest rating ever since taking office. Who do the republicans think they're kidding? The world? Themselves? Thier own country? It was stated this morning on the "Today Show" that after his current vacation at his Crawford Texas ranch, Bush will have taken nearly 1 years worth of vacation since his first term in 2000. That's more than any other president in the past 38 years. That say's a lot about Bush. No wonder his %'s are dwindling as the months pass, it goes to show that more and more people are finally realizing the truth about thier president. CNN reported today that if the war in Iraq is still active in 2006, that it could have a significant impact on the mid-term congressionals next year and an even bigger impact on the 2008 Presidential elections. Charles Nuutinen, a 62 year old Independant from Wisconsin said "He's turning this country into Saudi Arabia. He does what he wants. He does'nt care what the people want." Now that says a lot. If the bible stated: Bush is a thief, his intentions are to steal, kill, and destroy." Would the republican's believe us then? I guess there's just some things that will never be known. ~ds~