More "Flops" in whitehouse

If there is one thing that irritates me more, its the criticism that the Northwestern University ladies LaCrosse team is getting over wearing flip flops to the whitehouse. First off, I don't care if EVERY girl on that team wore flip flops, there's been a cabinet of them in the white house since the year 2000 anyways, so whats the difference? What's 4 more pair going to hurt? Laura Bush wore a pair when she was pleading in court for a charge of "Minor with possession of alcohol." Will we ever hear about that? Noooooo. See, these are things that go unheard of, why? Because it's not a big deal. I watched the news as some uptight republican (Your probably wondering which one?) It was just some republican that made a remark along these lines: "Just like Generation "X" this was simply a more secretive way for the girls to "rebel." Yes I said it, rebel. Now if it walks like an uptight fool, talks like an uptight fool, and thinks like an uptight fool, then it must be a republican. I've got one question, Did'nt Jesus wear flip flops? And if jesus was at the white house, would anything have been said? Sounds stupid, but its true. Hmm....guess that was jesus's way of rebelling. Be sure to tune in to Court TV for further updates. ~ds~