Business is business
What a busy week its been around here lately. Im finally in the process of designing my web page for the online business im going to be starting here in a couple of weeks hopefully. Cyber Photo Design. Im really hoping things will make all my time and effort well worth while in the end. This is not by any means an easy chore. Usually people will have someone create thier web page for them, not me. Im the stubborn one who insists on doing it all on my own. Ive realized over the past couple of years how big the digital photography scene has become and am hoping to be a big part of that. Not only digital photography but anything SLR as well. Photo restoration, online photo albums, online scrapbooks etc. One thing I am doing that I honestly have not seen much of and I just randomly thought of this. Creating and designing "Concert Scrapbooks" if your big on music and attending concerts like myself, then you might know what im talking about. Where do your tickets usually end up after you get home from a long night of live music? What about the flyers and other memoirs aquired at the shows? Autographs as well. If you go to shows as much as I do then you might want to think about preserving everything from the past. Thats where im hoping to step in and help. Guess i'll just have to wait and see how things pan out. Until then. ~ds~