Hang em out to dry
Just in case you havent heard yet, the US government is quite sure they know where Osama Bin Laden is, but guess what...thier excuse for not going after him? "Weak links in the war on terrorism." Now what in the hell kind of lame duck excuse is that? Its quite clear to the world now that "Operation Iraqi Freedom" wasnt the right direction to go to begin with. Do you really think this is a time to being playing fair with Mr. Bin Laden? I understand the "Rules of Engagement" but hell they've already been broken, why are'nt we taking care of business now? Fair is over with, no such word should exsist in this case, you don't just let someone kill 2000+ people, crash two planes, destroy two buildings as well as thousands of lives, and "Play Fair" its bullshit. Mr. Goss even goes as far as to say, when asked if terrorism could strike the US again?" He responeded with "Yes, It could. Certainly the intent is very high." Now I realize that just because a politician speaks his mind or the truth, that does'nt mean he or she can solve the problem, perhaps its out of his or her control, but in today's paranoid society, you don't go off telling the nation that the chance's of another terrorist attack are very high. Its just like the Homeland Security meter, there's been plenty of debate on that as well. Does it really meter our vulneralbility or does it simply spark fear in the hearts of Americans. To me its just another way to A. Fill the hopeless void I would say alot of Americans are feeling right now. or B. To scare the hell out of every one of us until the right people are brought to justice. Just find Bin Laden and hang his towel out to dry. ~ds~