Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Howard Oh Howard!

Let me start by saying that I really respect Mr. Howard Dean and his immunity to criticism and his open-minded character. What scares me now is the fact that even his fellow democrats are keeping thier distance from him because they to are worried that now he's said far too much. True I certainly dont agree with the way the whitehouse is being run (destroyed) but if the democratic party ever has a chance of taking office in 3 years we've got to keep the respect we've earned and not throw what little this nation has given us out the bathroom window. Im not saying that what Mr. Dean said or has said, is a lie or unrespectable, all im saying is that until the next election in 2008 the democratic party is porcelain on a 3rd story window sill. I agree with New Mexico governor Bill Richardson "Dean is doing a good job, but is not the party's spokesman." Remember, the tongue is a sword and very powerful, Mr. Dean don't use that sword of yours to make sausage out of the democratic donkey. ~ds~