Bush vs. Blair
Now this one really irritates the hell out of me. If you were given the choice, who would you prefer to run your country? President Bush or P.M. Tony Blair? Given the opportunity this last week to catch a press conference with both Bush and then Blair, I decided to compare the two just to see if Bush is as bad as he looks and seems. Yep he sure is. Blair seems so intelligent and speaks the same. His actions and his concern for his country were very impressive, the way he presents himself and the total overall knowledge of the man can definintly be seen. I was in complete stupor after watching our president give his 5 minutes of bullshit to the nation in reference to the London bombings last Thursday. Strapped with his bright blue neck tie and ready to embrace the world in weak feeble hands, Mr. Bush speaks of the "Pandamoneom of AIDS" as well as a cleaner enviroment for the world. He had to make it well known that while he was working for our country to improve this place there were "People out there wanting to kill other people" its "full contrast is clear." I dont know about you, but watching his speech made me fucking sick, to see such a fool in speech, act, and knowledge, out here representing our country. Its not fair that England gets the Smart guy and we get the fool on the hill. ~ds~