Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Bush signs CAFTA

This morning, President Bush signed the CAFTA agreement stating that "The measure will help strenghthen fragile young democracies in Latin America--and show those countries that the United States will stand by thier side." First off, I can't think of any country who wants President Bush by thier side. Thats just asking for problems. Secondly, you can always count on Bush to send jobs elsewhere in the world thats going to make HIM more money, its not whats good for the American people, its whats good for George and his daddy. After losing Enron they need all the financial help they can get right? What better way to make some quick cash than to send the USA's highly needed jobs to other countries. We can get the same amount and same type of work done for so much cheaper so lets go for it. What about the ones who are struggling day by day to even put food on the table here in American? Is that really of no concern to him? About this whole "Democracy and Freedom" bit that Bush claims this bill is going to assist, if its as easy as signing a document, why in the hell are Americans still dying in Iraq for the wrong reason? It's understandable that people in other countries must work just like Americans, but my god, we need to fix the problems here in this country before we go toying around with other countries just to make an extra dollar and keep them off our backs, we tried to warn the country on election day that red is wrong, but everyone insisted on his vote anyways. It's funny now, that his approval rating has done nothing but drop since then. I see hoove prints on the elephants ass.