Bush's brilliance and judgement
True intelligence at it's finest, just in case you havent seen or read the news in about 2 years:
"Make no mistake about it, We are at war." (08/04/2005)
Your guess is as good as mine, sounds like a game of duck duck goose or see-sawing in the park:
"As Iraqis stand up, American and coalition forces will stand down."
Limited is 100% correct, individual freedom is not...remember, no abortions, no gays, no grass?
"A limited government that promotes free markets and individual liberties."
Funny that Bush mentions this just days after signing the CAFTA bill sending jobs overseas:
"Our economy is strong, yet I will not be satisfied until every American who wants to work can find a job."
I thought Bush and Bin Laden were still playing Hide and go Seek:
"Of course we're after Saddam Hussien-I mean Bin Laden. He's isolated."
Well, he's got 2.5 years to go:
"Under my leadership we're going to win this war in Iraq."
Did Bin Laden move to Iraq?:
"First of all, of course I know Osama Bin Laden attacked us. I know that." (09/30/2005)
I will continue with the 2nd in a series of much awaited Bush quotes as he speaks out in the future. ~ds~