Troops to be kept in Iraq

Despite all the media and political authority rumors with hopes of withdrawing troops from Iraq as early as spring of 2006, a leading military official said Wednesday that "Iraq's leaders and military will be unable to lead the fight against insurgents until next summer, at the earliest." Iraq is scheduled to hold elections this upcoming December, although it sounds simple enough, the country is struggling to even get a constitution written up. The military official who asked to go unnamed, also said "I think the important point is there's not going to be a fundamental change." I totally agree with him, the insurgency is not going to suddenly vanish simply because elections were held, there is still going to be economic struggles as well as political hardships, staying another year is not going to help anything except for the KIA count. What good are we really doing in Iraq right now? President Bush is stuck on the fact that Iraq is getting stronger, and really, who can you kid? Take a look at the news, every day its More Americans killed by roadside bomb in Iraq. Car bomb explodes in Iraq killing 'xx'. This is all coming from a country who can't even compile a constitution for thier country for christs sake. If now is not the time to withdrawal our troops, then just when exactly is it time to say "Enough is enough?" ~ds~