Venezuela criticizes the US

In a time when Bush is struggling to find a friend aside from Enron and Haliburton, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez spoke out at the opening ceremony of a World Youth Festival. Deeply criticizing the United States and President Bush, Chavez used the slogan: "Against Imperialism and War" to speak out to 15,000 youths from 144 different countries who attended the event this past Monday in Caracas. Chavez called the USA the "most savage, cruel, and murderous empire that has existed in the history of the world." also going on to say "socialism is the only path." More than 300 US students shouted out "Get out Bush!" while others "Bush, fascist--you're a terrorist!" This all seems to be typical now of other countries feelings towards the USA. Chavez has made ties with countries such as Iran and China, expressing his encouragement of the new Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, also going on to say that he expects to strengthen his ties. Despite the week long anti-war protesting in Caracas, the US government still strongly denies claim that it is considering military action against Cuba's closest ally here in America. Yet again our country recieved warning from a foreign leader regarding our "War mongor" president. Chavez said that the US government which "won't stop caressing the idea of invading Cuba or invading Venezuela," should be warned of the consequences. I just hope Bush is happy now that he's broken ally ties with virtually every country in the world now. What is more sad than that, is once again, it's taking other leaders from around the world to make US citizens aware of our lame duck in the Whitehouse. Don't be too close-minded to believe the truth. ~ds~