Bush in Idaho to deliver more lies

Donelly Idaho; President Bush delivered yet another speech today in Idaho, explaining to the people how Iraq is in the process of writing a constitution. Iraq is writing a new constitution but how long is this process going to take? There has been a total of 10 days worth of extensions given to the Shiites, Kurds, and Sunnis. The longer those 3 parties take, the more American Soldiers lose thier life day by day. Bush also said that we will remain on the hunt. "We have an obligation and a duty to protect this country." Up until we invaded Iraq for no reason, there was no threat from Iraq towards America. I personally feel that Bush is trying to pick up where his daddy left off back in 1991 for any number of reasons, no matter the reason, its the wrong reason. Bush went on to say "In the long run, we'll defeat the terrorists through the spread of freedom and democracy." I don't know about you but last I checked democracy was'nt achieved through war and killing. Freedom is a right that Bush says Americans are spreading, I thought this was a war on terrorism to protect the US from countries with weapons that dont exist, not to spread freedom to a country who only started pushing out terrorists against the US AFTER we showed up there. Its really difficult to watch a president who knows the truth but refuses to act on it. Bush claimed that the writing of the constitution is watching "an amazing event unfold" No, an amazing event would be a different president before 2008. ~ds~
We're at war. And so this is a hopeful time."
Yep, thats the United States of America's president Bush.