al Qaeda calls for destruction of "American Empire"

The al Qaeda group of Iraq has issued an e-book across the internet on various islamic websites, claiming that the insurgency is in better shape than the United States acknowledges and vows to continue the insurgency and destroy the United States empire. Refering to the members of the Pentagon as school boys and adolescents of the black house stating that they keep blasting our ears with talks of pure arrogance and conviction "We will not leave Iraq until we complete our mission." mean to tell me our countrys leader would really say something like that? In al Qaeda's justification for the attacks they state in the book that "We vow by the name of god that we are determined to destroy the American empire." There is very few people that are said to be safe from these attacks and violence, true muslims a group which does not include the shiites. The Quran justifies beheadings and explains why democracy is wrong. Several times in the book it mentions the calling of muslims to launch attacks against foreign forces in Iraq and people who cooperate with them. The reasons behind all the terrorist attacks weve seen not only here in America but all across the world since 9/11 is explained in this book and basically summed up by this statement also given: "The basics of our faith revolve around not harming true Muslims and not shedding one single drop of Muslim blood because one drop of true Muslim blood shed amounts to the demise of this whole world. So why do we carry out operations in Iraq against the Americans and their aides in the (Iraqi) army and police? First, to please God, who orders us to carry on this jihad and to force the occupiers to pull out of the land," it says, vowing to "spread the light of justice and glory all over the world." "repent or else." Finally the group says: "doctrine and mission are clear and they can be summarized as our agreement to believe in and fight for the religion of God." So what does this all mean? Does this mean that if the Iraqis are fighting for god as mentioned above, that Bush and the Republican party or war supporters are fighting for thier god? Without sounding blasphemous, does this mean Jesus is a war supporter or a preacher of the peace like mentioned in the bible? ~ds~