9 out of 10 ok with anti-war protesting

Whether you support the bloodbath in Iraq or completly disagree with it, a new AP-Ipsos poll showed that 9 out of 10 people surveyed say its "ok to protest the war", its simply excersing our first amendment rights of the US constitution. The US death toll in Iraq is quickly jumping over 1,870, and the publics opinion of Bush's overall handling of Iraq has been falling continuously over the past 2 years. While 60% of the public firmly believe that at this point we need to stay in Iraq until they are stable, the poll found that most people disapprove of the war, calling it a mistake, and half believe that it has increased terrorism. 37% of the public approve of the way the Bush administration is conducting the war. 3/4ths of Republicans and 15% of Democrats in that poll approve. The amount of opposition of the war in Iraq is right at about the same percentage of opposition that was seen in August 1968 during the Vietnam War. The support of the war in Iraq has also fallen faster than the support of the Vietnam War did nearly 40 years ago. Bush was quoted as saying "The country faced a clear choice after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11th 2001--either hunker down and retreat or bring the war to the terrorists, striking them before they could kill more of our people." Why is it, that despite substantial evidence and even admittance of the attacks of 9/11 by Osama Bin Laden, Bush invaded Iraq instead of hunting down Bin Laden when he knew all along the major threat at hand? ~ds~