Amongst other things

So in between writing an album and keeping up with politics these days, it leaves me with no time for anything else. Yes i still disagree with the war in iraq, yes i still get a laugh over that waste of ti...harriet meier, and god i cant wait until the whole entire republican party thats sitting on top of thier oil drums, crashes and burns amongst themselves all as a result of lying to America. Despite political affiliation, and no matter who you voted for, do you think its too much to ask of our president to, lets say....tell the truth, hire people who will, or even get a clue as to whats going on and take reasonable action? I was gone for a month, and in that time, ive seen at least 3 republicans in trouble with the law, the republican party waste more time on harriet meier than trying to make up an excuse to justify it all, and presidential polls plummet to the floor. Waaaaaaaaaaaake me up in November 2008. ~ds~