Thursday, July 28, 2005

All out blog wars

I found this information quite interesting today, offers a service called "Trends". This service is used to monitor and track the frequency and usage of any 2 different things. For example: "Who's had more blogs posted about themselves? George Bush, or Bill Clinton? Then a graph will popup with the stats as well as other related information to your inquiry. Well being the curious cat that I am, I typed in a search for "Republican/Democrat" I was saddened to see the results listed above. I realize that these stats are from 2001 and up but still, Republicans are posting far more blog entries than Democrats, month by month. I figured that surely there would be more liberal propaganda and rebuttals being posted day by day as the news sites feed us mouthfuls of the republican pie. It's time to be more proactive, that includes myself to. We have a bit more than 3 years to make a change and set things right in the Whitehouse. Something has got to change. ~ds~

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Negligence or Pity?

The story here lately is regarding a 3 year old boy who about a month ago had his arm amputated after having it chewed by one of the neighbors pit bulls. Now I hate to sound cold hearted here, but dammit, who in the right mind is going to leave thier 3 year old son UNattendend in thier back yard KNOWING that thier neighbor has pit bulls? The family now is suing thier neighbors for over $10,000 in damages. The boy stuck his arm through a hole in the chain link fence as ANY curious 3 year old would if thier parents were'nt around and now look what happens, a case between an angry family and a pit bull owner who knows just as well as the other family that pit bulls are NOT illegal in the state of Oklahoma. Here's my comments:

1. If you were outside monitoring your 3 year old son, this would have never happened.
2. You know good and well that your neighbor has pit bulls in his backyard. How can you not?
3. If you we're anywhere close to decent parents you would NOT leave a 3 year old unattended.

I have a couple of friends that own pit bulls, and never once have I ever had to run away or be scared of petting one, why should you be? Pits are gaurd dogs just like dobermans, rotwielers, and other breeds of bulldogs as well. The dog was gaurding his territory just like his owner taught him to, sounds like a smart dog to me, and bad parents next door. ~ds~

Monday, July 25, 2005

The Columbian Drug

Have you ever thought about selling your coca plant harvest to the government or what about your poppy seed collection to invest in a retirement plan? Ok, me either. The Columbian government in South America in thier latest efforts to fight the escalating cocaine and heroin epidemic, have decided to start paying the farmers of coca and poppy plants in exchange for thier crops. President Alvaro Uribe said that farmers would have to sign a contract stating that they will not continue to grow and harvest plants after surrendering thier current crops to Columbian government officials before they get paid. The farmers are being asked to locate the nearest police officer or Army Commander without fear of arrest to make the transaction. ~ds~

Saturday, July 23, 2005

The US Intelligence?

If this is US intelligence, im afraid to see US stupidity.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Invasion of American Rights and Privacy?

Now that London has been hit twice this month, New York City decided to implement a new search method based on numeric code. The New York Subway system which is used by some 3 million people daily, will be searching subway commuters bags and backpacks before they board. This may sound ok to some, but doesnt that violate our rights as Americans? Is this ok since after all, NY has been hit once, and thier subway system is just like Londons? One thing that strikes me as strange though is this "numeric code" being used, based on an interview with the NYC Police commissioner. He said that approximatly 1 out of every 5-10 people will be searched before boarding the subway. Even though the primary suspects have been/are Arabian males everyone is subject to a friendly search by the NYPD. It's ashame that the USA has come to this, but really, what else can be done? There is a fine line being walked right now, infringing on citizens rights and privacy, or let this go and risk another terrorist attack. Who knows where exactly this is going to lead us? Looks to me as though the Supreme Court is going to be busy for awhile, only time will tell. ~ds~

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Laugh of the day

This does'nt happen often on my blog, but I had to post this simply for the fact that it made me laugh my ass off.

More "Flops" in whitehouse

If there is one thing that irritates me more, its the criticism that the Northwestern University ladies LaCrosse team is getting over wearing flip flops to the whitehouse. First off, I don't care if EVERY girl on that team wore flip flops, there's been a cabinet of them in the white house since the year 2000 anyways, so whats the difference? What's 4 more pair going to hurt? Laura Bush wore a pair when she was pleading in court for a charge of "Minor with possession of alcohol." Will we ever hear about that? Noooooo. See, these are things that go unheard of, why? Because it's not a big deal. I watched the news as some uptight republican (Your probably wondering which one?) It was just some republican that made a remark along these lines: "Just like Generation "X" this was simply a more secretive way for the girls to "rebel." Yes I said it, rebel. Now if it walks like an uptight fool, talks like an uptight fool, and thinks like an uptight fool, then it must be a republican. I've got one question, Did'nt Jesus wear flip flops? And if jesus was at the white house, would anything have been said? Sounds stupid, but its true. Hmm....guess that was jesus's way of rebelling. Be sure to tune in to Court TV for further updates. ~ds~

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Rove vs. The U.S.A

Why can't people keep thier mouths shut? If I made the same kind of money Karl Rove did, I would'nt ever speak again. It's a fucking shame that in the midst of active terrorism and the actions actually taken by CIA agent's to help at least a little on the terrorism epidemic that you've always got that certain loon that can't keep his mouth closed. I think Karl Rove should go ahead and resign now just like every other republican cabinet member has over the past 9 months or so. Who can you really trust these day's? Obviously not the government, of course I've known that for a long time now as should everyone. It reminds me of the lyrics from a George Harrison track "Take care beware of greedy leaders." Even with that song written back in 1971 i've always felt it as a precaution to the latter generations. Greedy is'nt just "want want want" and "Take take take", it's anything that has to do with the lack of consideration towards others, and by leaking information that effects the entire USA, THAT is complete greed. Quit wasting the time on court decisions and media coverage and get rid of Rove now. ~ds~

Monday, July 11, 2005

Bush vs. Blair

Now this one really irritates the hell out of me. If you were given the choice, who would you prefer to run your country? President Bush or P.M. Tony Blair? Given the opportunity this last week to catch a press conference with both Bush and then Blair, I decided to compare the two just to see if Bush is as bad as he looks and seems. Yep he sure is. Blair seems so intelligent and speaks the same. His actions and his concern for his country were very impressive, the way he presents himself and the total overall knowledge of the man can definintly be seen. I was in complete stupor after watching our president give his 5 minutes of bullshit to the nation in reference to the London bombings last Thursday. Strapped with his bright blue neck tie and ready to embrace the world in weak feeble hands, Mr. Bush speaks of the "Pandamoneom of AIDS" as well as a cleaner enviroment for the world. He had to make it well known that while he was working for our country to improve this place there were "People out there wanting to kill other people" its "full contrast is clear." I dont know about you, but watching his speech made me fucking sick, to see such a fool in speech, act, and knowledge, out here representing our country. Its not fair that England gets the Smart guy and we get the fool on the hill. ~ds~

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Burning London

What a day to return to my blog. After waking up this morning and turning on CNN as I do every morning, usually its a kidnapping in Florida, or a missing child here or there, nope not today, London England was the focus of worldwide attention today. Could it be a new group of terrorists responsible for the bombings on the subway stations and bus? Could it be Bin Laden again? According to an Al Quida website that has never been seen before, it was a new group of terrorists that claim responsibility for the attacks. Will we ever see a peaceful day again? God Bless the U.K.