Saturday, June 25, 2005

Business is business

What a busy week its been around here lately. Im finally in the process of designing my web page for the online business im going to be starting here in a couple of weeks hopefully. Cyber Photo Design. Im really hoping things will make all my time and effort well worth while in the end. This is not by any means an easy chore. Usually people will have someone create thier web page for them, not me. Im the stubborn one who insists on doing it all on my own. Ive realized over the past couple of years how big the digital photography scene has become and am hoping to be a big part of that. Not only digital photography but anything SLR as well. Photo restoration, online photo albums, online scrapbooks etc. One thing I am doing that I honestly have not seen much of and I just randomly thought of this. Creating and designing "Concert Scrapbooks" if your big on music and attending concerts like myself, then you might know what im talking about. Where do your tickets usually end up after you get home from a long night of live music? What about the flyers and other memoirs aquired at the shows? Autographs as well. If you go to shows as much as I do then you might want to think about preserving everything from the past. Thats where im hoping to step in and help. Guess i'll just have to wait and see how things pan out. Until then. ~ds~

Monday, June 20, 2005

Hang em out to dry

Just in case you havent heard yet, the US government is quite sure they know where Osama Bin Laden is, but guess what...thier excuse for not going after him? "Weak links in the war on terrorism." Now what in the hell kind of lame duck excuse is that? Its quite clear to the world now that "Operation Iraqi Freedom" wasnt the right direction to go to begin with. Do you really think this is a time to being playing fair with Mr. Bin Laden? I understand the "Rules of Engagement" but hell they've already been broken, why are'nt we taking care of business now? Fair is over with, no such word should exsist in this case, you don't just let someone kill 2000+ people, crash two planes, destroy two buildings as well as thousands of lives, and "Play Fair" its bullshit. Mr. Goss even goes as far as to say, when asked if terrorism could strike the US again?" He responeded with "Yes, It could. Certainly the intent is very high." Now I realize that just because a politician speaks his mind or the truth, that does'nt mean he or she can solve the problem, perhaps its out of his or her control, but in today's paranoid society, you don't go off telling the nation that the chance's of another terrorist attack are very high. Its just like the Homeland Security meter, there's been plenty of debate on that as well. Does it really meter our vulneralbility or does it simply spark fear in the hearts of Americans. To me its just another way to A. Fill the hopeless void I would say alot of Americans are feeling right now. or B. To scare the hell out of every one of us until the right people are brought to justice. Just find Bin Laden and hang his towel out to dry. ~ds~

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The good ol' US of DA

Its all over TV, different ways to make us look better, enhance our sexual performance, live a healthier lifestyle, cut down on those carbs, "Hey look ma! 0% transfat!" All the hype over calorie intake etc...well its funny to me, that people try so hard to better themselves, but fail and dont know where to go. Everyones paranoid about getting sick and food poisoning and "Back in my day, i remember eating my hamburgers bloody and rare, we knew no better." Now we do, why is it that people dont pay attention to the ever infamous Mad Cow disease, I myself dont eat meat, and havent for quite sometime, but for those of you that do, do you really think that the USDA gives two shits about you and your well being? Not in the least. Its a fact that despite finding cattle with cancerous masses on thier bodies, broken limbs, dead cows found on the slaughter house floor etc...the USDA approves this and deems this OK for human consumption. Another case of mad cow disease was discovered late last Friday, although still in testing stage, why in the hell would anyone want to take a chance of contracting it? Hearing "Mad Cow disease raises fear in americans' beef consumption." Then dont eat it. Very simple. Japan has already cut off beef exportation ties with the USA and im sure thats just the begining. The good ol' US of A is a money hungry beef eating country thats afraid to try something new, we live in the land of the free and the home of the unhealthy. Its really sad. ~ds~

Monday, June 13, 2005

Pink Floyd

This is the best news Ive come across in a LONG time! Its Monday and im hyped! Just informed a bit ago, courtesy of that Pink Floyd is reuniting for a show in London, England on July 2nd 2005. This includes all original members, Roger Waters, Dave Gilmour, Nick Mason, and Richard Wright. I realize I wont be at this show of course, but damn im sure hoping someway somehow it will be televised. Should I pack and move to London? Hmm sounds like a pretty good idea actually. ~ds~

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Be all that you can not enlisting

So it appears that the U.S. army missed its recruiting goal for the first time since 1999, hmm.. im going to take a wild guess here. Could it be that more and more teens are realizing the ignorance and the stupidity of this on going failure we call the "War in Iraq"? Could it be that president Bush has placed more fear in the hearts of the U.S. citizens than the terrorists themselves? CNN news ran an article today quoting "U.S. troops are dying at a rate of two a day in Iraq, more than two years after President Bush declared that major combat operations had ended." Two a day is two to many. Its tearing apart families, morticians putting in overtime at the same amount of pay and most likely without health insurance as well. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Its shit. Appearently the army is saying that todays economy is offering attractive alternatives to many highschool and college students. One question. Whats so attractive about war and death? Is a college tuition worth risking your life and possibly the future of your spouse and kids for? To me the military puts a price on each indivisual soldier serving, with a college tuition and now even by raising the enlisting bonus. Dont get me wrong, I respect EACH and EVERY soldier over there in the desert right now risking thier lives, but damn enough is enough bring them home and let them pursue thier own American Dream, not the Iraqi Dream. Bush youve dug a hole and handed out shovels to each and every american in this country just take a look at your approval rating. ~ds~

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Howard Oh Howard!

Let me start by saying that I really respect Mr. Howard Dean and his immunity to criticism and his open-minded character. What scares me now is the fact that even his fellow democrats are keeping thier distance from him because they to are worried that now he's said far too much. True I certainly dont agree with the way the whitehouse is being run (destroyed) but if the democratic party ever has a chance of taking office in 3 years we've got to keep the respect we've earned and not throw what little this nation has given us out the bathroom window. Im not saying that what Mr. Dean said or has said, is a lie or unrespectable, all im saying is that until the next election in 2008 the democratic party is porcelain on a 3rd story window sill. I agree with New Mexico governor Bill Richardson "Dean is doing a good job, but is not the party's spokesman." Remember, the tongue is a sword and very powerful, Mr. Dean don't use that sword of yours to make sausage out of the democratic donkey. ~ds~