All out blog wars

I found this information quite interesting today, offers a service called "Trends". This service is used to monitor and track the frequency and usage of any 2 different things. For example: "Who's had more blogs posted about themselves? George Bush, or Bill Clinton? Then a graph will popup with the stats as well as other related information to your inquiry. Well being the curious cat that I am, I typed in a search for "Republican/Democrat" I was saddened to see the results listed above. I realize that these stats are from 2001 and up but still, Republicans are posting far more blog entries than Democrats, month by month. I figured that surely there would be more liberal propaganda and rebuttals being posted day by day as the news sites feed us mouthfuls of the republican pie. It's time to be more proactive, that includes myself to. We have a bit more than 3 years to make a change and set things right in the Whitehouse. Something has got to change. ~ds~